We think that the story of each and every one of us begins at some point, at some junctures or events in our lives, people who are peripheral to the pages of life become great and influential. The truth is that the story begins on the day we are born, as we are made of many factors, not only the environment, family and friends, or what we hear and see, but other factors that may be more influential than we see and hear, but at some point, you will feel them, knowing that everything that happened to you had to happen, to form who you are now. As if determinism said its word and it was over. To all those who are introverted, loner strangers of their societies,to all the madmen, in the eyes of those around them,you are the ones who make the difference. <a href="https://soofch.com/so/category/random-english-quotes/"><a href="https://soofch.com/so/category/random-english-quotes/">English Random Quotes</a></a> How can we be sure that this tree is true and not a lie English Random Quotes -what is the truth? -Ruslan shrugged his shoulders: The truth is the truth -It must… Classification and then reduction English Random Quotes Classification and then reduction, the mind’s strongest weapon against conscience, if it wants… Telepathy and emotional reincarnation English Random Quotes -Do you know the difference between intellectual telepathy and emotional reincarnation? -Yes… The exceptional heroes English Random Quotes When people are exposed to injustice and humiliation over a long period of time, in… He is schizophrenic English Random Quotes He is schizophrenic, this is how he was diagnosed with the CIA, and his schizophrenia… Their fight is not against me and you only English Random Quotes Their fight is not against me and you only, but against all humanity, they are… She wants to control English Random Quotes -O mother, I was embarrassed in front of them; consider the mother of this and… What is the truth, but a disguised lie! English Random Quotes What is the truth, but a disguised lie! His slogan, which he has always worked… Plastic Painting English Random Quotes He smiled as he looked at the studio in the outer hall, each of these… Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print