December 6, 2022December 8, 2022 The thorny question remains, who wrote it? The thorny question remains, who wrote it? All I remember was my decision to write something, my hand, my fingers, and even my mind, were just tools of writing and expression, like the computer I used. As for the writer, it was something or someone I did not know, sitting inside my body fighting me to get out of its prison, forcing me to bargain it for a few words that express it. I was like a lost visual artist whose empty painting was in front of him and his brush was in his hand but his thoughts were scattered, he did not know how to connect them or how to begin, but his senses began to weave the fabric of the thoughts of that deep thing inside, as they translate them, to create the most meaningful paintings. Every line I wrote I knew nothing of what was to come. I was even surprised by some of the chapters and reacted to them, just as you would react. They were as new to me as they are to you, and sometimes I was standing astonished to realize what I had written, or to understand the connection I had just discovered between the characters. This novel, inevitably, was already accomplished in me, as it was written in one go. It already existed. As for transcribing it on paper, it took me some time. It is a novel that expresses a part of an exception that I think I have had in my life. I cannot confirm or deny its events, even though they may have happened, in every detail, what is certain is the perspective of your understanding of the truth, they may be completely true, and from another perspective, they may be just delusions or dreamy fantasies, this depends on what truth means to you, or what it will be… I appreciate your valuable time. Believe me, I am the best to know. That is why I was careful that this was not just a classic, casual novel for fun while you are drinking your morning cup of coffee. Perhaps by it, I want to stir up that madness within you, who you have always been told, would be the cause of your ostracism, and your expulsion, out of the herd. From Zero Moment Novel – Click Here And Read Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print English Random Quotes
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