December 10, 2022December 10, 2022 The key to evolution It was not difficult for an intelligent physicist to understand what was behind his gazes. The longer we sit, the more he looks at my smallest detail, he keeps looking at my lips, my neck, and my shoulders, with a gaze full of passion. Shy but still a female, who will not fail to feel a man’s desires toward her which is one of her most important strengths that was inherited from her ancestors. She looks away, but still sees her surroundings with a wider panoramic view than a man does. her sensors pick up risks, feelings, and repressed desires, many times as much as he can. It is enough for her to stand in front of the wardrobe and without moving her head or her eyes, she sees all its contents, she finds what she wants in a second, while a man has to move his eyes, head, and probably most of his organs and all of his senses to find what he is looking for, and often fails. Thus, our mind has developed these physical abilities, over thousands of years, as needed. The man’s need was to focus on his arrow and his prey, and his foresight has evolved, it has become more focused, while the woman’s need is to protect the home and children from dangers, her panoramic view has evolved to see her surroundings more broadly than the man’s. So, our mind programmed itself, and in this way, it developed our abilities. What it does not need, it leaves or neglects until this thing withers and dies, but what it thinks is important or needed, it keeps, strengthens it. Necessity is the key to evolution. Even athletes are well aware of this: in the body-building halls, they gradually lift weights, to force their brains to feed and build muscles. And as long as they’re still in pain to lift a weight, their brains realize they need more muscle power, so they can handle that weight without danger, and the brain starts to protein the muscles, thereby strengthening them and increasing their size. If it didn’t find enough protein in the diet, it creates it. As the muscles became stronger, and the weight on the trainee became easier to carry, he increased it, and the brain began to strengthen the muscles more to handle the new weight. If the muscle ceases to gain weight, it freezes at enough force and size to carry the current weight. The principle of negligence and usage; what has a need remains, and what has no need perishes. But Mousa’ need recently while going to the bodybuilding gym is not to stimulate the mind to meet his muscular needs. Rather, his causes are more profound, dangerous, and insane… But whom of us would need this? The mind does not inflate the muscles except under the pressure of the threat of injury. The word “please” here is useless. Why is it so afraid of my muscles! Why doesn’t it want them to get hurt? If it comes down to me, my desire has always been to keep them looking tight and looking elegant. Why cannot it simply fulfill my desires! Why not feed the muscle with the necessary protein, and burn fat without making an effort? But it does it only under threat. It has nothing to do with me, it is a matter between it and the muscles. It does not care about my desires, but rather the needs of the body. These muscles have always been its means of defending itself, and the work that comes to him with its daily sustenance. It is known that your mind deliberately stores fat, not out of hatred for you, nor from its desire to expel the fans around you, but for a logistical reason related to its life, as fats protect vital organs, surround and incubate them, and for another matter, in the event that lunch is interrupted for any reason, these fats will be its bank balance, which it will gradually start consuming to run the functions of the body. Even though food is abundant, it prefers to feel safe for the future of this body at the worst. As for your own desires, plans for a coastal vacation in the summer? Do you dream of tight abdominal muscles? Beautiful fans dancing around you? Screw you and your desires. His philosophy began to evolve, the threat is the key to the solution. As if I was something intruder between it and its body. How can I convince my mind to inflate the muscles without exposing them to the risk of injury? General Command Center, let go of the muscles, threaten the leader! I do not need a bodybuilding club. I would do it if I could threaten, terrorize, force it. From Zero Moment Novel – Click Here And Read Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print English Random Quotes
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