December 12, 2022 Chapter LX. Royal Blood After a devilish night, he woke up with two lips kissing his forehead, a tear falling on his cheek. Katrina’s voice conceals her pain: I will not allow them, they will not take you from me. -Did I fail the tests? Did they ask you to kill me? -No, on the contrary, my love, you passed, but I do not know whether I should kill you now, or leave you for them simply. A little while ago, she received the news,” he has been accepted, your mission is over, and your relationship with him is over”, but who said that it is now just a mission. -She cried between his arms: Screw them, I served them for years, yet they are abusing me for a story of true love for once in my life. I asked them to continue together, I thought they would accept, but they have no right to keep me away from you. -My love, they will not keep us away from each other. All you have to say is that you will abide by the instructions, and leave the rest to me; there is no problem in this world that I cannot overcome, nor a request that I cannot circumvent. I will make them beg you to stay with me. Love! How many legends were organized for it? It was said that it is the most mysterious human feeling that pushes us to do things we are not ready for and heedless of us. Despite the reality, and the difficulties, we do the impossible, and in the name of love, we do miracles. Just legends but the truth is that history did not mention that any miracle has happened thanks to love. Myths, of which there is no use but our consolation, and the justification of our blind rush behind unjustified, incomprehensible feelings, to do what we were not ready to do, and then we pay the price with a reassuring conscience, and with a comfortable mind, in the name of love. If we analyze these feelings, love, anger, hate, tranquility, fear, we will find that they are another face of pain, just chemical reactions inside our bodies, and hormones controlled by our mind, it decides when to kindle the fire of love in us, and when to make hate blind us. If you know how to motivate the mind to produce the hormone needed to produce the desired emotions, then you do not have to talk about anything anymore. It is all your emotions, which are yours. This inevitably makes human feelings subject to causation in the universe, unless our feelings are from another world, not causal. Therefore, the most magical words remain, those that come out of the mouth of a lover describing his love for his lover, “I love you without reason.” This is the impossibility desired, and in the subconscious, these words have charm and glamour, and the tongue of the lover says, “My love for you is not from this causal world, neither the color of your hair, nor your eyes, nor your body, nor your sweet voice, nor your way of speaking, nor anything that you possess is a reason why I love you, because my love for you is not causal, does not belong to this world.” A lie loved by the mind of the lovers, a legend among the millions which says, that nothing in this world can anticipate the feelings and moods of human beings before they occur, and more precisely, the private feelings and fluctuations, of an individual, to be precise, and not just of a large group of people, the more we try to customize it, the more difficult it becomes. And where the indicators of the collective mind, the demagogue, can give us an idea of the general direction and the future fluctuations of a society or group of people, not because of a weakness in the lines of defense of feelings, but rather because we know that the mob, the collective mind, and the herd, will force many to follow it, even if it violates what they feel, what they want at their core. The mind is designed for survival, and you know that survival’s chances are stronger with the stronger group, the more number, it will secrete all the necessary hormones, to force you to follow the herd. However, the feelings assigned to a particular person remain an impossible task, so many people are able to deceive each other by showing signs of expected trends and fluctuations that contradict the reality of what they feel. Humans and scientists have treated it as something unpredictable, coming from another world, a curse on science, as if it were a whiff of a magical spell cast on us from the immemorial. But in fact, emotions are causal, and every cause has a causative. Like everything else in this world, the laws of chaos and randomness apply to them. They can be accurately predicted, formulated into mathematical equations, and even manipulated. All it takes is to have something that contains all the cosmic events, a number we did not imagine, starting with the flutter of a butterfly, a breath of air, temperatures across the universe, a word a man says to his son, a donkey’s kick, a rabbit’s jump, and ending with the movement of stars and planets, and cosmic explosions, and beyond, and able to deal with them, and with the hierarchical possibilities of their occurrence. Then all events will become for you, a past that has passed and ended, and their occurrence is inevitable unless you intervene to change them, and manipulate them, but first, you need to know what their new shape will look like, and most importantly, where and how powerful will be the needed change to bring about the required change, in order to reset the scene, rearrange the occurrence of events, and the consequences of changing the hierarchy of their intersection. If you kill a butterfly, it will not flap its wings in the next hour, and what may result from this negligible change, may be the end of all humanity, or the occurrence of a horrific massacre, in which millions of people are killed without sin, except that they are religious, or farmers, or those with longer noses, just like holistically. He is on a date with the answer as the Alpha headquarters have proof of this. Everything in this box of the world is causal, so what do people seek to understand in this world? If we search, we will find that they only seek one higher goal, which is the understanding of non-causality. Why! Because it is the only thing they have been unable to comprehend, and imagine, the only unknown. We can imagine a world without mathematics, physics, logic, and time. We can imagine a world out of nothing, but out of no reason! We cannot. The self in a vacuum still has a cause that creates it, and a vacuum is still a cause, a cause that has never come from any causative before. Think of whatever you want of the zero points, there will still be a reason that created them, even zero itself, still has a reason. As for Baibars, he knew how to follow a series of right reasons, to make Katrina defy the Alpha headquarters for her love for him. All of her dreams of regaining her throne are hanging on him since he revealed her truth, and he provided her with the complete documents that prove her origins, and confirm that what is going on in her veins is royal blood. Is it unreasonable love, then, or is it an interest that Katrina wanted, a dream that tickled her feelings, a forgotten princess, returning from among the pages of the ancient past? At this stage, there is no longer any importance for the credibility of these documents, and the credibility of Baibars’ novel, as he provided her mind with enough evidence. As for the gaps, the weaknesses in the novel; if every mind loved an idea and wanted it, ensured its patching, and filled the deficiency in it, from his own. Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print Zero Moment - English Online
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