March 16, 2023 Chapter VII. Arrest mission In the Air Force Intelligence branch building in Latakia, Major Basel hung up the phone, grabbed another phone, and called the secretary’s office. -Did he arrive? -Yes, sir, he’s here waiting -Okay, let him in A man wearing a Bedouin dress, his head wrapped in a light yellow kaffiyeh, embroidered with black threads, his features are harsh, and he smells putrid. As soon as he entered the office, he motioned for him to halt, and with a contemptuous glance and a twitch of his nose expressing his dissatisfaction, he instructed him: Keep away, do not come any closer. Man: alright sir Major: Damn you, you have been cooperating with us for years, and I have never met you without your stench. When are you going to take a shower, man! The man in a servile manner: Whenever you command, sir. -What’s the boy’s name? -Walid, sixteen years old, lives in the village with his mother, and his father is a political prisoner -Where is he detained? -I don’t know, but he’s been detained for years, that’s all I knew when I tracked him down -Well, what exactly happened? -Sir, I was tending my sheep and felt compelled to respond to nature’s call. I entered the woods, went back a little, and then heard a voice speaking. My curiosity was piqued when I heard the term Mr. President, may God protect him, so I crept forward, and I observed the young man discussing plans to create havoc in the country and overthrow the regime. -Who was with him? The shepherd was silent, hesitated and knocked his head to the ground, stuttering…. -What is with you? I asked you who was with him? -No one, sir, there was only a cow next to him He lit a cigarette, and looked at him firmly: Are you sure? cow? What if someone else was among the trees? -No sir, there was no one but him and the cow He took another breath from his cigarette, looked at the secretary, and signaled to her with his hand to dismiss him from here. Shepherd: Sir, will you not give me any reward? -Of course, the lady will take care of it, get out of my face picked up the phone, called someone, Get ready, you have a mission to arrest a boy and a cow. Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print The Sect - English Online
The Sect - English Online About and Copyright March 16, 2023March 29, 2023 The Sect Ahmad I. Alkhalel Proofread and translated by Aseel A. Mokhaimer son of chaos… Read More
Chapter VIII. Unexpected surprise March 16, 2023 Major Basel was furious, shouting into the radio, and cursing the arresting team: How did… Read More
Chapter XIX. Enlistment March 16, 2023 -How is your relationship with Walid now? -Good sir, I have been seeing him almost… Read More