March 16, 2023 Chapter XII. The implication strategy Basel asked his friend’s permission to put the phone on the table and then left him waiting for him on the line as his mind was not accustomed to these puzzles. He went to prepare a cup of coffee for himself. After he returned, he took a long, careful look at the speaker, biting his lip. Then he grabbed it: Come on, Haider, explain. -Listen, my friend, at one point, people would stand in a long line in front of him for their turn to drink a cup of tamarind, the man is great at what he does, but he was juggling two roles at once. The one included pouring tamarind, and the second involved collecting the money, counting it, and giving back the change—mathematical operations connected to the cost of the juice. Then he began to notice that many of them leave the queue after a while, or look at him wanting to drink from him without doing so, in order to avoid waiting for a long time, because this is a market and everyone is in a hurry. He therefore made the decision to sell dates out of a small shop in the market’s corner. He did this with the assistance of an accountant and a salesman, but in an odd way, his juice was no longer the region’s most delectable juice, his sales plummeted, and he was unable to move about the market as before. So he decided to close the store and go back to the way it was, but this time he hired a boy who would hold the customers accountable instead of him, in order to save this wasted time, and he was busy pouring cups, and indeed, the process became faster, and there was no longer a long queue, and sales increased, but despite this he found a defect; The profit is not commensurate with the volume of sales, then he discovers that the boy is stealing him. Then he made the decision to use this tactic, which worked well because he doesn’t demand money from people but instead gives them the duty of putting it in the bag designated for it. If you don’t have change or plan to go shopping and then come back to the bar for more drinks, you can leave and come back later to put the money if you need to. He realized that there was more money in the bag than he had anticipated as his sales climbed and his profit rose proportionally to the volume of sales. Over time, he also noticed that some of them had grown accustomed to it and started to avoid payment. Therefore, he made a deal with the man to appear every two hours and perform the charade you saw today with him. Strangely, everyone started to pay, including those who had no change when they drank the juice and had planned to pay later but forgot or became preoccupied. Even those who were aware that he was playing an acting role returned and paid the money on their own. Basel: Do you have an explanation for this, Haider? – No, and I am not interested in finding it, as this is not within my field of expertise He hung up the phone after thanking his friend, then picked it up again. He bites his lips once again as he gives it a dubious glance. He takes it apart, looks at the receiver, transmitter, and wires inside to make sure there are no eavesdropping gadgets, then he closes it and sets it away. He didn’t put it back where it belonged because he didn’t want to get any calls right now. He feels like a man of intelligence for the third time in his life and conducts himself accordingly. He wanted to confirm that there were no eavesdropping devices on the phone, which is something he had never done before. He reasoned that there must be parties in this world interested in spying on him in order to find out the details of his work. The following day, he discovered the usual stack of reports on his desk. Knowing in advance what they would contain, he glanced at them with disdain, set them aside, and then picked up a pen to start writing a letter to the branch head asking for permission to take a few days off so that he could go looking for the boy alone in the wilderness. He promised not to return until his task had been accomplished. The head proudly regarded the request after having read it. This is the perfect officer, who will not hesitate for one moment to do what is necessary to accomplish his mission. Even if it means sleeping, eating, and drinking amid wild animals, far from his cozy house and his contemporary automobile, in the middle of mountains and plains, where he might meet an unexpected end, he won’t hesitate to do whatever is required to complete his mission successfully. He returned to the market, bought a cup of tamarind from the vendor, and then he carried on with his way. He bought special clothing and equipment that all hunting enthusiasts need in the wild, a large backpack, a portable tent, a sleeping bag, ropes, a cooking pot, and other necessary equipment. Then, after returning, he drank another cup, placed cash equal to the cost of 100 cups in the bag, and stated to the vendor, “You deserve it; do you know the reason?” as he stared at the vendor’s face. The vendor paid no attention to what he said. He was astounded by what he heard and ignored the intruder who spoke incomprehensibly while showing a sour expression. He expressed his gratitude for his kindness and went back to work. Basel smiled, and left on his way. The seller truly deserved the money because he helped the buyer gain a new perspective on life and inspired him to think and brainstorm in a way he had never done before. The end result was a plan—yes, he now has a strategy to follow in order to complete his purpose. He gave it much thought the previous evening and came to the conclusion that, although it does not directly enter into the juice’s components, the traditional Levantine seller’s attire does indeed constitute one of its primary components. Customers’ minds are addressed by this costume, which informs them that this juice has the quality and majesty of a bygone era and originates from the Levant’s old manuscripts. And just as the mind can distinguish between taste and sight using the sense of sight, vice versa. If it likes how something looks, it expresses its happiness in the appropriate ways. However, when he started a juice bar, he lost that advantage, and the dress no longer had the same impact on him as he walked around as the tamarind vendors did a thousand years earlier. He also lost a second strength since, as a street vendor, he could reach every part of the market and give the product directly to the consumer. However, as a store employee, he was restricted to a small spot where only customers who might walk by could make purchases. And while he may not have planned for it, his experiences and perspectives led him to that charade, which was the greatest way to come up with a sound plan. People began drinking as though it was juice made in their homes when they got the feeling that they could pay now or later. Some of them drank three cups instead of one, while others went shopping before returning to finish it. Before they knew it, they had accrued a debt to him for the amount of money they had consumed, and they had to pay it back. Ultimately, they return and pay for everything they had consumed as well as additional amounts. Many of them came back and paid the money on their own, some of them forgot to pay it, so the charade served as a reminder to them to do so, and some of them did not forget but instead intended to defraud him. As soon as he notices the charade, he feels a little embarrassed and hears an inner voice telling him to pay so you don’t end up in this embarrassing situation. Of course, not everyone cares; some of them left the market without paying, but in the end, his sales significantly increased, he had a unique mark that set him apart from all the tamarind vendors in Latakia, and in the end, despite the fact that some of them drank for free, he was making more money than before. He anticipates that because many of them used to place cash in a bag and go without waiting for the change. Anyone who will offer him change in the first place, and this person who does not want to leave him change, drank a second cup. He had gleaned eight primary conclusions from the seller’s account in the wee hours of the morning: First: Pay attention to appearance, you have to look appropriate for the thing you are doing, do not wear jeans and sell tamarind, you will not be convincing. This is due to the fact that the human mind recognizes anything using all of the body’s senses, not only the senses that are directly related to the object. The senses of sight and smell play a significant part in the mind’s assessment of the flavor of juice. Even the ability to hear could play a part. If you serve it in a cup with a unique texture, it will pour lightly into the cup and you can hear it purr as you pour. Second: implicate people, yes implicate them, call attention to the fact that when people take something without paying for it, they often take more than they need even though they know they will have to pay for it later. This is because, subconsciously, when people take something without paying for it right away, they treat it as if it were free. Coincidentally, this is a fundamental difference between the policy of communist countries and capitalist countries, but in the end the citizens will end up with the same result. Capitalism leaves individuals free and then chases them down in different methods, including banks, but communism stifles the spirit of invention and innovation by establishing itself as a guardian of people’s money, income, and means of managing it. The citizen soon realizes that he is now a slave after being told to take anything he wants and pay for it later, to the bank all of his life, which he will use to repay debts that he never really needed, but since the cash was there and he could pay them back later, why not? Third: You need a way to terrorize people who try to break the law and a way to remind people who might forget, and this is what the charade did. It has taken the position of bank mailings, which serve as a reminder of the due date and a warning about the penalties of disobeying it. Fourth: Don’t try to tighten your grip over everything, divert yourself, or weaken your market in order to stop someone from stealing from you. Instead, accept the loss with an open mind, expect it, and deal with it as a significant part of your trade. This is also what occurs in the case of banks, as some of them escape the nation with loans totaling hundreds of millions of dollars while others choose to disregard the warnings. Despite this, the bank continues to make money because it pays its employees with the proceeds from the loans taken out by the vast majority of borrowers, who committed to repaying their loans in order to avoid going to jail. Fifth: Many people have a natural tendency to respect those who have won their trust, which is why many of them left a generous tip. This increase also helped to make up for the money he lost from the disgusting customers who drank and went without paying the bill. Even if they disappoint you once or twice, you must have as much faith in people as you can because most of them reward your confidence with kindness. Sixth: People will tolerate your faults and possibly even correct them on their own if you portray yourself in a way that is convincing and pleasing to their mood. He wanted to convince himself that the vendor must be using some sort of sterilizers in the container to safeguard the safety of consumers because the taste of tamarind has won his approval. This is what happened to him when his mind started to find satisfactory answers to the cleanliness of the cup. Seventh: Do not confine yourself to one corner, and do not wait for customers to come to you. You must move. You must move constantly to the places where you anticipate your product to be well-liked, rather than sitting in an ivory tower and hoping that people would come to you to buy your distinctive offering. Eighth: Always provide your best effort, and in order to achieve this, you must have the ideal surroundings. In his situation, he started to feel like a skilled intelligence officer; all he needed was the appropriate circumstance, and such these cases full of secrets provided this. There is no such thing as an unsuccessful or successful person; instead, it is the result of one’s circumstances. The loser accepted his situation and the truth of it; he made no effort to change his environment, which turned out to be unsuitable for him. When he should have moved to look for an environment that will enable him to succeed, he stayed put and doomed himself to failure. He would eventually need to discover the ideal atmosphere for him to be creative and innovative, even if he dared to take a step toward revolting against these conditions, altering them, or migrating to a different location with different conditions. Just because apple trees don’t bear fruit in the summer doesn’t mean they’re useless. We all know that we have to wait for winter to give us its best. Similar to how every living creature on this planet performs at its peak in its appropriate environment. He carried it out on his own. He had long thought himself to be an unsuccessful intelligence officer, but after working on a case that was not like the other cases he had previously worked on, he started to pay attention to things he had previously ignored. He had his strategy ready. He begins by dressing and equipping himself like a hunter, which will enable him to fully embody the role. Nevertheless, he must first locate the boy before carrying out the plan. How could he find him? Indeed, he had a flash of inspiration. No need for me to find him, let the cow do it. Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print The Sect - English Online
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