March 16, 2023 Chapter XIX. Enlistment -How is your relationship with Walid now? -Good sir, I have been seeing him almost weekly for months; we go shopping together; I take him out to amuse himself; I behave like an older brother to him; and he confides in me all of his troubles and issues. -Well, the time has come, Basel. I will inform you of the situation and what we want in the next stage. Months after Basel was successful in his mission, he received his first briefing on the farm file and the significance of Walid to them due to the fact that he is the son of Abdullah, the leader of the most radical organization inside the prison. This briefing took place in the office of the branch head. In the event that he is eventually released for use elsewhere, as is the situation with thousands of other detainees who also have families, his son and wife will serve as a pressure point against him. At this point, he has been tasked with convincing Walid to cooperate with Air Force Intelligence, which would be a huge step forward, in addition to further solidifying his relationship with him. He will consider his father to be more special, as will the boy, you, Major, and of course, you! if you can enlist him and convince him to work and be loyal to us. With this mission of yours, there are no hard edges or taboos that should not be violated. Use whatever tactic at your disposal to get him to express his resentment toward the party and those in power, including using ladies and nightclubs. We know you will unquestionably be successful in this mission. And keep in mind that, despite our affiliation with Air Force Intelligence, the farm file is a separate entity, and its workers have broad authority and unmatched influence that no one else can. Women and nightclubs are obviously Basel’s greatest options, especially now that the school year has ended and Walid has lots of free time to keep him busy. Walid trusts him, and their friendship has grown stronger as a result. Nonetheless, Walid occasionally finds himself subconsciously glancing at the attractive ladies who are seated nearby in the cafes. This is common for young guys his age, as curiosity often drives them to take a peek. He made an arrangement with Nurhan, my friend is young, and we want a female who is lively, charming, near to his age, eighteen years old, so he can grow used to her and not run away from her. They soon had supper together, came across Nurhan and her friend by coincidence in a cafe, and spent the night in a rented apartment as a group of four. The conclusion of that night was not what Basel had hoped for since, as some conscience chastises him, this is not how your mother taught you to live. In the morning, Walid is asleep on the sofa in the hall, and she is on the bed in the bedroom. A third evening a few days later, when Walid took his first glass of wine, was overpowered by the curiosity of the young man, the teenager, and his want to try everything, even women. A second evening two days later had a bit better conclusion as the girl is sleeping next to him on the couch. He quickly submerged and became mired in a web of Air Force Intelligence, His mother worries about him, he sleeps outside the home for days, ignores the house and the village, and ignores the cow. Although his personality has changed, at least he is still the kind lad who comes back no matter how long he is gone, even late at night, to kiss her hand and forehead before falling asleep. Mother, I have a lot of work to do, therefore I need to make some money during the summer. His justification for being absent is that he was a salesman in a shop in the city of Latakia. There was time to gradually advance to the second level of conscription since the boy was addicted to and rushing after the life of promiscuity. Make him believe that he makes the decisions. Straightforward formula: swap information for money and ladies, and the choice is yours. -Why do you want to know who criticizes the party or talks about politics? -Walid, I am selling this information. I have acquaintances in various agencies in the state. They are interested in knowing this, and they pay generously in return. -Are you a report writer? – “Whatever name you choose to give it. Having said that, you must have money, my friend, because buying women and wine costs a ton of money. You have the option. You previously saved my life, and I won’t stop believing in you; nevertheless, if you want to assist me in earning some extra cash, I’ll be grateful.” -Are there any Air Force Intelligence personnel you are acquainted with? -Yes, all over. -Can they ask about my father then? -“It is not easy. Let us give them some more reports, something so important that they would like to serve us in return, and then ask them about your father.” The pretext!! At this stage, Walid no longer knows whether he is going to do it out of his desire to know where his father really is, or whether knowledge has become a pretext for this work, in exchange for money, women, and more of a life of promiscuity. Or maybe both… When done under the guise of goodness, doing evil is simple for a person to accept. I will be wrong, but my goal is noble! I will steal, but my aim is noble! I will kill, but my aim is noble! His belief that he engages in evil for the sake of a good cause works its spell on the spirit, and he soon finds himself submerged in evil and even hooked to it without ever accomplishing any good objectives!Yet, he consoles himself by saying, “I tried, and I was weighed down with good intentions, and the wind sometimes blows in what ships do not desire!” The objectives are swiftly abandoned, but the addiction persists. He is going to submit his first report, and it is obvious that the breaking of the branch would not make him feel any better. Since I am now a report writer, I should make my first report outstanding. He went back to Basel two days later with some good news. He overheard an elderly man in the village criticizing the government’s policies and voicing his displeasure with the state’s deteriorating status without concern about repercussions or prosecution! Despite the fact that his son drives for a prominent man, the elderly man claims that his son will defend him and that he has the right to say whatever he wants, so he crosses all red lines without hesitation. Basel wrote the complete information, and after Walid left, he burned the paper… He doesn’t need it in any way since he has expertise with this kind of report and is perfectly capable of telling the difference between a genuine report and a malicious report. The fact that Walid took the initiative and submitted the first report is what matters to him, and it goes without saying that action must be taken against the father and his son so that the boy understands that his efforts are fruitful and that they believe him and the information he provides. Let him let go of his rage and experience the delicacy of retaliation, the joy of dominance, and the taste of power since these are issues that affect the soul more than they do women. Two trances, unlike any on earth. The pleasure of saving a life, and the pleasure of taking it. What propels a serial killer to murder innocent people one at a time? The reason is that, despite how repulsive it is, it really is like this. Despite the brutality of the idea, killing and stealing souls have a sweetness in the soul, yet killing is a form of addiction. For the first time, his conscience berates him severely, and he may experience nightmares and lonesome crying; however, he quickly gets used to it and starts to ask for it, and before long he realizes that he has a unique kind of pleasure to which he has grown addicted and to which he is powerless to say no. Hence, injustice, persecution, and even retaliation satisfy a diabolical wicked urge in humans that peaks when life is taken away. The sweetness of saving lives and doing good is similar. On this basis, heroes are created. They accidentally save one person, then another, and discover that they have developed a heroism addiction. They want to continue saving people, even if it means risking their lives. It satisfies the soul’s heavenly inclination, which motivates people to help others and ultimately results in saving a life. Each of us has both an angel and a devil living inside of us, and you get to decide which one you get addicted to. And Basel is well aware of the addictions he wants Waleed to develop. For Basel to experience the sweetness of injustice and retaliation, he needs to see the elderly man in the desired condition. Walid observed the elderly man being led to the custody vehicle the following morning while he was handcuffed and being escorted by many members of Air Force Intelligence. He received no assistance from his son regarding his fate. What a power this is, to be able to humiliate an elderly father whose son works for a powerful individual in the Air Force Intelligence, the very organization he is now in charge of. the devil erupted within him, unleashing influence and power. 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