March 16, 2023 Chapter XX. The pure sect Hafez al-Assad, the executioner, passed away since everyone who commits crimes ignores death until it strikes them abruptly, reminding them and those around them that they are only ordinary people who sleep, eat, drink, and pass away. Of course, they multiply since the murderer left behind a second murderer in the form of his son Bashar Al-Assad, who became the ruler of Syria after his father passed away in 2000. Four years have passed since the reports’ writer, who was serious in his work and content with it as well as with his life, during which time he descended even more into the hunger for power and influence, the joy of red nights, discotheques, and numerous women. At the age of twenty, he enrolled at Tishreen University and declared a degree in journalism and media. He possesses unidentified levels of power and authority. Basel always submitted his reports on time, but he never had to threaten a professor to get an honors degree! He exudes charisma, authority, and strength. His future in the media is promising, and this alone is enough for him to obtain the mark of excellence. All of his professors had a sneaky hunch that he was unique in some way. Here, emulating the lifestyle of powerful individuals will suffice to make you one of them. Even if you aren’t important, your actions and demeanor suggest that you are through mystery, speaking little, looking down on others, and generalized arrogance. Who would want to offend someone who seems to hold a position of authority and take a chance that they could make a costly error in judgment if they dare? The term “important person” does not necessarily refer to someone who is important in and of itself; it could refer to someone’s father, cousin, fifth-great-grandparent related, or even a close relative of a powerful or wealthy individual. Of course, Walid has a secret weapon that elevates and realistically enhances his aura—his dialect. The people of Kurd Mountains villages border the Alawite mountains, speak the Alawite dialect fluently, and are familiar with the Alawite way of life, some of their fundamental beliefs, and the names of their villages. They won’t be recognized by any other Syrians, and nothing will stop them from seeming like Alawites. It’s possible that just speaking the Alawite language will be enough for him to excel academically, have his teacher occasionally pursue him, and for people to cease inquiring about him. As for him, there is only one question that he stopped searching for an answer to for a long time: Where is my father? He was tired of the usual answer, no one knows, our relations are not enough, and we try to no avail. Although Basel monitors frequently, he moved to the farm, took a position overseeing the management of prisoners in a few wards, and of course, he watched the father in particular and paid him close attention. As he watched the father become more evil and hateful toward all people, how much his joy grew. Eventually, he became the Emir and Leader, the immortal sheik of the group, sect, or organization—call it whatever you want. In order to support him, he had to know secrets that not everyone knew, and do things that no one else could do. So the father was summoned at every problem that occurred in the wards, and every clash or rebellion of the prisoners against a certain situation, in his capacity as the sheik of the wards, the chief of the people, and their master, so that the prison administration would negotiate with him, and agree on ways to end the existing dispute and conflict so that security and stability would return to their mini-society. The sheik is wise and cunning, and he didn’t return from the meeting for a day without having secured significant benefits and new privileges for the wards and their residents. At least, that’s how the farm supervisors wanted it to appear. They granted him everything he requested so that the leader would return from the tour victorious and see an increase in his status. When it came to the secrets, he used to get them from some jailers who were persuaded by his viewpoints. They occasionally betrayed some information to the Sheikh Leader because they wanted to follow the path of God, which only he knows. Chief, beware; there will be a raid for an unannounced inspection in Ward No. What a shrewd!! The followers said, he was able to attract a number of soldiers of the same regime and recruited them to work for us, to alert us and meet our requests. The deviant books, which found religious groups that have nothing to do with religion, both old and modern, destroy the majority of their remaining humanity and sow the seeds of extremism in them, are of course one of these requests that are of the utmost importance. He used to keep them safe by being aware of the timing of unexpected inspection raids and requesting that others be brought to him by his supporters among the jailers. All of this combined with the father’s unwavering belief that he has been blessed by God leaves everyone in awe and unable to oppose him. Ignoring the fact that he is only a prisoner, in a prison, in the nation that restricts freedom the most in the world, he forgets that he has no influence over his life other than what his jailer desires. His followers have begun to regard him in this way; he has emerged as the sect’s sheikh, one who is aware of their ignorance and who sees and hears things they do not. Without question or debate, you must obey him and do as he commands. Since his sect sanctifies viewpoints and emphasizes the value of participation and the free interchange of ideas, he designated a special Shura Council for it. He personally selected every member of the council from among the best of his followers, the most obedient, submissive, and influenced by him, in order for the council to be responsible, smart, and capable of handling circumstances. As for the sect, it must be pure, one group free of impurities, from which he expelled whomever he deems unfit to be with and attracted to it whom he deems qualified for this great honor. Prisoners from all wards flocked to him, and whoever attained this honor was chosen by God. The prisoner no longer recalls when he decided he wanted to be a part of her because of the benefits, meals, and beverages he is not able to find in any other wards! Or did he truly desire to adopt its plan? The fact that this cult has a head and a shura council that can stir up trouble whenever they choose in the prison is crucial if they want to maintain their privileges. In a way, the jailers fear their followers and are afraid of them, especially the leader, and they want to fulfill any requests they have in order to satisfy them. Their sect continued to grow outside the prison as the Sheikh Leader published books full of his ideas and used the jailers who were his followers to smuggle them into other countries. From there, they made their way to libraries run by his followers, where they were secretly distributed to anyone who requested them and had a recommendation from someone else as well as a password that had been prearranged. One of these libraries is situated in a little nook of the Al-Hamidiya market, and one of its volumes was enclosed in a cover that said, One Thousand and One Nights, Moreover, Sheikh Suleiman, one of his most useful weapons outside the prison, used to be a jailer and an executioner before he discovered the way of truth and salvation, which set him free from the shackles of the party and the master to the shackles of the sect and the sheik leader. The farm team tightened their grip on the sect… Because these wards do not exist, they had plenty of time to experiment with many ideas, without human rights harassment, no trials, and no hope for the prisoners of salvation. In 2003 AD, the Iraqi regime led by Saddam Hussein fell as a result of the American occupation of Iraq. The region is on fire, and Syria is at the epicenter of the hurricane, as well as Iran. All the neighboring nations are looking for a foothold there, Syria is concerned that events will spread to it and destabilize it, Iran supports it and sees it as a strategic ally that cannot be risked, and there are numerous resistance movements in Iraq, all of which are from the Sunni sect and fighting the occupier. They can’t wait for results because it’s unclear what the new government will look like if the Iraqi Sunni resistance succeeds in seizing control of the situation or even if the Americans are successful in establishing complete control and putting an end to all resistance movements. What is coming is vague, and sitting down and leaving the arena for two options, not a third, will be fatal for the Syrian regime. The first option is the victory of the resistance, and the birth of a new Sunni regime other than that of Saddam Hussein, whose form and nature are unknown, and which may be hostile to it and threaten its interests and stability. The second is America’s tightening of its control over Iraq, and then only God knows what it intends to do next. It is vital to step in, get them a foothold there, and shuffle the deck of cards. As for the plan, it is prepared and ready in advance, although the farm has been working on it for years in order to use it internally in the event of a new revolution against the regime, but the situation in Iraq calls for the use of this card. In order for everyone who fled Saydnaya to move there and the sect’s members to spread around the world, the dictatorship allowed some of the takfiris to enter its prisons, freed them, and opened up the borders with Iraq. Sheikh Suleiman, who received the criminals and quickly sent them to Iraq, was one of the most crucial tools the sheik, the leader, used to run the operation from his dorm in the prison. They were met and arranged in camps by another sheik there. Establishing the first armed group associated with the pure sect will give the Syrian government a base from which to play the cards and attempt to impose a third choice that is beneficial to its own interests. Soon, America found itself required to conclude understandings and contacts with the Syrian and Iranian regimes regarding the Iraqi issue. Their existence is now an unavoidable fact. Not only does Iraq have a sizable Shiite community, but it also has a Sunni group that is thought to be the most extremist. This group, which was given financial support, weapons, and followers who have no regard for mercy or humanity, was able to establish itself on the ground and use these resources to grow their organization and gain control of the situation. The sect quickly started labeling everyone as infidels, including the Sunni population, and the other armed groups fighting the occupier, and fought them, and ended everyone’s existence, to be the only armed group that resists the occupation. This group turned the Iraqi street into an enlarged carbon copy of Saydnaya prison. Three years into the American occupation of Iraq, the country’s resistance movement had all but collapsed—but not at the hands of the American military, but at the hands of a single sect known as the pure sect, which quickly withdrew and fortified its borders in anticipation of a new conflict with anyone who dared to challenge its dominance and kingdom, which now only exists through the media, the Internet, and assassinations. A sect that is loyal to the thought of the sheik, the leader, and is run from a small dormitory in Saydnaya prison. Under the guise of the leader’s security situation, he is unable to speak to the media or be photographed. Just three first-line leaders, one of whom is Sheikh Suleiman of course, are aware of his whereabouts, and they have vowed to keep it a secret so that the enemies cannot find him. The Sheikh Leader now lives in a basement. Except for the three, no one knows where the Sheikh Leader is located. He communicates with the outside world through messages that the group creates and posts on the Internet. And if for some reason it appears in his voice, the voice is distorted so as not to be recognized. Via jailers who, of course, share his ideas, he communicates with Sheikh Suleiman. more recently, it has been under the direct supervision of an officer with the highest level of skill and the farm team. The Lieutenant Colonel, Basel. Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print The Sect - English Online
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