March 16, 2023 Chapter XXII. The reverse recruitment The message contains nothing but an electronic link, which he clicked without any hesitation. A webpage from a site that appears to have been developed particularly for this letter emerged, along with a note, “After you click open, the message will remove itself within 120 seconds.” At the bottom of the page, there is a password field and a button to view the message… Entering the password “yellow lighter” results in a password problem… After removing the space between the words “yellowlighter,” the message emerged in front of him. Hello, my brother, in this world, beginnings decide your fate, and many times, heroes are made from very strange beginnings, a mixture of cruelty, pain, and loss, how many religiously raised young men ended up as Air Force Intelligence agents, and how many indifferent drunkards ended up fighting for the truth? It doesn’t matter what you were or what you are today; what matters is what you will be tomorrow. If you intend to be something else, keep this message secret, do not tell the Air Force Intelligence officers you deal with about it, and do not be afraid, this entire site is at our disposal, and no one else will be able to know that I contacted you. In conclusion, I convey to you the greetings of your father.” Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print The Sect - English Online
Chapter I. Mass escape March 16, 2023 He could hardly taste it, and for some reason that he did not understand, he… Read More
Chapter XIX. Enlistment March 16, 2023 -How is your relationship with Walid now? -Good sir, I have been seeing him almost… Read More
Chapter IV. The fair old man March 16, 2023 The youngster’s cry pierced the mother’s ear and her heart as she hurried out of… Read More