June 22, 2023June 22, 2023 What do people seek to understand in this world Everything in this box of the world is causal, so what do people seek to understand in this world?If we search, we will find that they only seek one higher goal, which is the understanding of non-causality.Why! Because it is the only thing they have been unable to comprehend, and imagine, the only unknown. We can imagine a world without mathematics, physics, logic, and time. We can imagine a world out of nothing, but out of no reason! We cannot. The self in a vacuum still has a cause that creates it, and a vacuum is still a cause, a cause that has never come from any causative before.Think of whatever you want of the zero points, there will still be a reason that created them, even zero itself, still has a reason. As for Baibars, he knew how to follow a series of right reasons, to make Katrina defy the Alpha headquarters for her love for him. All of her dreams of regaining her throne are hanging on him since he revealed her truth, and he provided her with the complete documents that prove her origins, and confirm that what is going on in her veins is royal blood. Is it unreasonable love, then, or is it an interest that Katrina wanted, a dream that tickled her feelings, a forgotten princess, returning from among the pages of the ancient past? At this stage, there is no longer any importance for the credibility of these documents, and the credibility of Baibars’ novel, as he provided her mind with enough evidence. As for the gaps, the weaknesses in the novel; if every mind loved an idea and wanted it, ensured its patching, and filled the deficiency in it, from his own. Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print English Random Quotes
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