July 10, 2023July 10, 2023 The exceptional heroes When people are exposed to injustice and humiliation over a long period of time, in its various forms, whether it is from an individual to an individual, or from a group to an individual, or perhaps vice versa, especially since their childhood, and directly, face to face, such as domestic violence, kidnapping, physical and verbal torture.For many of them, this injustice is rooted within them, becomes a part of them, and whether they feel it or not, they look at the world around them accusatorily, as being involved and participating in this crime that they were subjected to. How often do you hear someone say, “Where were you then?” after stating, “I’ve been suffering all my life, I’ve lived in torment and hell, which no human being could bear.” May everyone else go through what I have.His conscience is numbed by this reasoning, but he understands the logic, so he decides to apply all or some of what he was exposed to, on another person, or a group of people. Well, dear, while you were being abused, humiliated, and tormented, they were playing, dancing, drinking, and enjoying, but they were never part of the injustice that befell you!He challenges this reality, though, and defends his practice of what he was exposed to from a young age on the rest of the populace.Despite their best efforts, many of the victims still unknowingly practice some of the things they were exposed to as children on others, even their own children. However, other individuals choose a different route, get past their hardships, bury them in the past, and set new objectives for themselves. We do not want (…) to suffer the same fate as us.Some of them use words like our friends, our family, our children, and our loved ones to fill in the blanks.And only a select few, the exceptional heroes, leave the blanks just as they are, without explanation. Those who hate injustice of all kinds, regardless of the identity of its victims, or their religion, beliefs and ideas, and the relationship that binds them to them, the likes of whom we call superheroes perhaps, are fighting for the sake of ending injustice, regardless of any side considerations. From The Curse of Zainab Novel – Click Here And Read Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print English Random Quotes
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