December 4, 2023December 4, 2023 Chapter XXXII. Baibars, the ice cream vendor When people are exposed to injustice and humiliation over a long period of time, in its various forms, whether it is from an individual to an individual, or from a group to an individual, or perhaps vice versa, especially since their childhood, and directly, face to face, such as domestic violence, kidnapping, physical and verbal torture. For many of them, this injustice is rooted within them, becomes a part of them, and whether they feel it or not, they look at the world around them accusatorily, as being involved and participating in this crime that they were subjected to. How often do you hear someone say, “Where were you then?” after stating, “I’ve been suffering all my life, I’ve lived in torment and hell, which no human being could bear.” May everyone else go through what I have. His conscience is numbed by this reasoning, but he understands the logic, so he decides to apply all or some of what he was exposed to, on another person, or a group of people. Well, dear, while you were being abused, humiliated, and tormented, they were playing, dancing, drinking, and enjoying, but they were never part of the injustice that befell you! He challenges this reality, though, and defends his practice of what he was exposed to from a young age on the rest of the populace. Despite their best efforts, many of the victims still unknowingly practice some of the things they were exposed to as children on others, even their own children. However, other individuals choose a different route, get past their hardships, bury them in the past, and set new objectives for themselves. We do not want (…) to suffer the same fate as us. Some of them use words like our friends, our family, our children, and our loved ones to fill in the blanks. And only a select few, the exceptional heroes, leave the blanks just as they are, without explanation. Those who hate injustice of all kinds, regardless of the identity of its victims, or their religion, beliefs and ideas, and the relationship that binds them to them, the likes of whom we call superheroes perhaps, are fighting for the sake of ending injustice, regardless of any side considerations. As it seems, Marwan is following the path of these exceptional people. How uncomplicated a child’s life is, how easily they learn, how rapidly they grow up, and how quickly they form bonds. Nubia needed him, and he arrived just in time. He was a close friend of hers, and they were related by blood. He vowed to protect her, promising that he would not let a thorn hurt her. And she has always been necessary to him since she is currently creating the likable traits of Marwan, the guardian of the helpless. In the garden attached to the apartment complex, the two of them ran to the mobile ice cream vendor, who came by now and then, selling ice cream here and there. Nubia spoke to him in Turkish. -Sir, we want two. She started picking: I want this one, raspberry. She looked at Marwan and spoke to him in Arabic: Which flavor do you want? Marwan: As you chose for yourself. She looked at the vendor: make them two, sir. The seller, while preparing the order: Where are you from, pretty girl? Nubia: He is Jordanian and has Turkmen origins from Iraq, whilst I am Egyptian and of Turkish origins. The seller: Really odd, Egyptian-Turkish, and Jordanian-Iraqi-Turkmen, he exclaimed in amazement. I would understand if you didn’t speak Turkish, he continued, but he! A Turkmen who does not speak it! How is this even possible? Nubia: I lived here, while he lived moving between some Arab countries, and he did not have the opportunity to learn them, neither in Iraq nor with his father. -What about his mother? -His mother is my aunt, an Egyptian of Turkish descent, but unfortunately, she does not speak Turkish. He laughed, shook his head strangely: What a complicated family situation this is! Poor thing, he lost his father at a young age, he added with a sorrowful expression! -No, sir, he is alive, but he travels a lot. She lowered her head to the ground, sadly, and added: In fact, I am the one who lost my father two weeks ago. I now live with my aunt, Marwan’s mom. My mother also died. I have no family in this world except them. The vendor shook his head, pursed his lips, placed the ice cream tools in his hand, stepped out from behind the table, and knelt down directly in front of her. -Don’t be depressed, my little girl; look around you; may God have mercy on them. He nodded at Marwan, and she looked at him. The two kids’ faces turned scarlet with shyness as he seized her hand and gathered them close. -Do not worry about anything in the world, my little child, as long as you are together. In this life, we lose those we love, but God makes up for it by giving us people we love who also love us. He will soon be strong, and you will protect each other. He went on, “Come on, translate what you just said to him.” She laughed with the innocence of the children, looked at Marwan, and said: he says what a wonderful boy you are, and soon you will be strong enough to protect me from threats. She was silent for a moment, then added: He also said, if you are not always with me, he will come to you wherever you are, and will beat you. He went back behind the table, gave them the order, and refused to take money. -Kids, take this from your uncle who sells ice-creams, every few days I pass by here, I’ll give you ice-creams for free. They were about to leave, so he called her: You did not tell me what is your name, little one? -Nubia. -and he? -Marwan. He jokingly said: Your name is strange, while his name is not, perhaps he should look for another name. Marwan: What does he say? Nubia: He says your name is beautiful, but he is common, while mine is strange. Marwan: Ask him about his name then. Nubia: Sir, he asks you, what is your name? He raised his hand in the air, proudly saying: It is written in front of you on the table, here, Baibars, Baibars’ ice cream. They sat on a park bench, far from the seller. She almost finished her piece, she looked at him, he wasn’t eating, the ice cream started to melt on his hand, she said: what’s wrong with you? Marwan: Would you prefer if my name was different from this? As the seller said,” A strange name like yours”. Nubia enthusiastically: Yes, what do you think if we choose a name for you that no one knows except you and me, a fictitious, secret name? His eyes sparkled as he liked the idea: Well, I will have two characters, one with the name of Marwan, and the second with a different name, which only we know, like stories of spies. They laughed with innocent spontaneity until they giggled. He added: What do you suggest? Nubia: Wow, super spy, takes care of me, and protects me wherever I go. She began to think, then the name popped into her head: Baibars, your name will be Baibars. He was silent for a moment, then whispered in a low voice: My mother is likewise. -What is the matter with her? She has a second personality. With the enthusiasm and curiosity of children, she said: How! Marwan: Sometimes I hear her talking to herself, another woman inside her, her name is Hatshepsut. -Oh, my God! Who is this? -I once overheard her say, “You ought to have died with my mother, you ought not to have moved in with me.” She opened her mouth, gulping down her saliva: Zainab, my grandma? Was Hatshepsut with my granny earlier? Does it pose a threat? -I don’t know, one of them is kind-hearted and very affectionate, and the other is extremely cruel. I don’t know which of them is my mother, and who is Hatshepsut, but I think that Hatshepsut is the cruel one. The girl fell silent, thinking about something… Innocently she said: I want a second character as well, like you and my grandmother and aunt, how do I get one? Thinks a little: why would you want a second character? Baibars will protect you, you don’t need her. She responded with sadness and rage: “What is the objection?!” She raised her head to the sky: Maybe one-day Baibars will need help, then my second character will be ready. With enthusiasm, he replied: Well, great, we’ll find another name for you, let’s look for one. He grabbed her hand and ran with her towards the wall of the compound, close to the street. He said: Look, let’s look for a name. He motioned with his hand to a photograph of a woman with an unique haircut. He said, “What is the name of this store?” Nubia: Solmaz Ladies Salon. Solmaz means “ageless young woman.” -Nice, your second character’s name will be Solmaz. They laughed with the naive spontaneity of children once more, and their eyes were so in tune that their shine shone brightly. Days later, their bond grew stronger. When they are alone, each of them assumes his alternate identity. Baibars the wise, strong, and brave. Solmaz, the spunky, inquisitive, ageless beauty. Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print Zainab’s Curse – English Online
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