December 12, 2022December 18, 2022 We are not from here Moments, and he knew the answer, that puzzled him, an hour and a half? hardly enough… She crossed the street in front of him, wearing a long black dress, with wide shoulder straps and a wide chest, an opening on his right side, a full body that shimmered in white, golden wavy hair that fell over her left shoulder covering something from her chest, red lips and their smile increased the fullness of her already full cheeks, Two blue eyes, shooting arrows that changed the law of humans since the stone ages, today I am the hunter, and you are the prey. Subconsciously, he stood on his feet, shook her hand, kissed them, smelled her perfume, moved the chair for her, she sat down. I stoop back to his seat in front of her, proudly raising his head, peaking at the rest of the customers, men and women looking at her with admiration, men with angry eyes on him, yes, yes, you must be angry, envious, she is mine. He looked straight into her eyes: How beautiful you are today, luscious, wonderful, … Still the same, no matter how feminine she shines, her eyes hit the ground, her cheeks flushed with shame, she looked at him: -Welcome, I thought you wouldn’t come back before two days. -Robert: Wait to hear, but first we have to have lunch, they have decent vegetarian options here. He added, asking: By the way, what is the reason, is everything ok? -Yes, not for health reasons, I simply decided to become a vegetarian. -She hesitated for a moment: Well, to be more precise, I became a member of the organization “We are not from here”. Robert: I’ve never heard of it before. -Christen: I found it by chance on the Internet, three months ago, I was browsing Facebook when an ad for their website popped up. I was attracted by the ad, a transparent mind, a spacecraft, and lights from the sky, I scrolled through it. -Robert: Yes, it would have drawn me too, extraterrestrial life. She fell silent when the waiter arrived, and the two of them ordered vegetarian food. -Robot: Go on -Christen: I followed their site; their ideas are weird! Convincingly, I decided to join them, and although they did not require a vegetarian diet, I began to respect animals. She laughed: Yes, I respect them. Not only do I sympathize with them or defend their rights, but I also respect them. I no longer have the desire to eat them. Turning her head, she gathered her thoughts: Well, I am not a vegetarian, I drink beef products, milk, yes, but I do not eat meat, nor fish, nor eggs, I do not eat any living creature on this planet, but their products are a different matter. He hears what you say, and looks at her amazed! Watching her body, her dress, her hair, he had never seen her in such a dress and such femininity before. -He asks himself: Who is she? Respects animals! Damn, Shit, is she worshiping any of them now? -Christine: What are you thinking of? -Robert: I would like to hear more; it seems that what you have is more interesting than mine. -She stammered, hesitated, and leaned her body toward him: Well, Robert, I want you with us. He said to himself: Oh! Now things are becoming clear, such a dress, these looks, tyrannical femininity, and fragrant perfume, Christine has learned how to use a woman’s most powerful weapon of persuasion. -Robert: Of course, my dear, I am with you wherever you want, I have always respected animals as well, they are gentle and loving creatures, and we are at ease with them. -He turned his face, half-closed his eyes with a funny expression: Well maybe not that crocodile that ate our neighbor last year, but it deserves respect nonetheless. -She looked at him angrily: I am serious, Robert. A voice in his head: Damn, do not screw it up, go on with her you idiot, respect the crocodile, the tiger, the lion, it does not matter, it is not the crocodile who is going to roll over in your bed tonight. -I am sorry, Christine, you know my sense of humor, I am serious, but explain what is the story of this organization? She grabbed her phone and typed into the web browser the website address -She turned the phone towards him: This is their website, you have to log in to it and submit an affiliation membership application, fill out the form, and….. -He interrupted her: Oh wait, wait, not so fast, I need to know more about them first -Well, I will explain to you, but you will belong, right? -It depends on their thoughts, my dear, give me a brief about them. She gathers her thoughts, knowing that what she’s going to say is embarrassing, but there’s no escape, she wanted him to be with her, in everything she does or believes in. -She said: Have you ever thought that the donkey knows the laws of the universe more than we do, Robert? He raised his hand to his forehead, trying to suppress a smile on his lips. A voice in his head: Silly, remember, it is not the donkey who is going to be in your bed tonight. He gathered himself, and thought of making a joke,” it sure knew them better than our high school physics professor”, but he backed off, she was serious about what she said, and he was serious about his admiration for her. -Robert: I do not know; how could it do that? -Christine: Because it refused what we accepted. That in itself is clever. If we know the reason, let me be clear… We have always viewed animals as unlucky creatures, but we as humans have gotten all lucky, evolved over millions of years, and become the most intelligent creatures on this planet, while the rest of the creatures did not even get a chance to match us with even a small percentage of intelligence. She added: Answer me, according to the theory of evolution, we have evolved from an amino acid, lightning, and thunder, like other creatures, and the evolution of everything in us, our bodies, our vital organs, all are somewhat similar to other creatures, right? -Robert: So far, your words are scientific and logical. We are similar to them, and we are ahead of them by a few stages in the evolutionary ladder. We are ahead of the monkey, and the monkey is ahead of another animal, and another animal over another, and thus, there is a ladder of evolution and we are at the highest level. -Christine: It is true, there are those who are a step below us, two or three steps, but we are close on the ladder of physical development, even the vital functions, the way the body works, everything. -He looked straight into her eyes, suggestive: Even our ways of reproduction, Christine, are similar to theirs. -She turned, smiled, imagined something in her head, smiled more, and looked at him: Yes, Robert, even this one. She added: Why not intelligence? We have agreed that our bodies have evolved according to the standards of this planet, and that is why they are similar to the rest of the creatures, but not intelligence. Given all the creatures of the earth, lack of intelligence is the prominent feature, all converge according to their intelligence or stupidity, there is a ladder of their own, and steps, but we are not on this ladder, we are ahead of them by very large stages, which are not commensurate with the stages of our progress over them on the ladder of body evolution. If our intelligence had evolved according to the standards of evolution on this planet, we would be ahead of the ape by a step or two, as are our bodies. Or the ape would be only a few steps behind us, it would now be able to speak, for example, or it would have been as smart as we were a thousand years ago, building cities of stone, organized societies, laws, or at least as smart as we were ten thousand years ago, building a hut, making a sword, would not it? … Those stupid evolutionists want to convince us that chimpanzees are close to our intelligence just because they succeeded in teaching one of them, sign language! If it was close to us, Robert, it would have learned it itself ten thousand years ago and developed it, it would light a fire, and build cities of mud huts as we did a thousand years ago. -This is starting to make sense now, yes that is Christine, thank goodness. -She continued enthusiastically: Watch what we do and what they do. That crocodile, when did it devour your neighbor? When it felt hungry or in danger, because it did not find a source of food, or was threatened, it stood on the edge of the abyss, it must kill to live, but we have killed and are killing millions of creatures on this planet just for fun, for no reason. They do not wreak havoc on the earth, they do not cut trees, they do not cause the ozone hole, nor the global warming, all they do is living, and only, they know that the earth is their home, it is the one who takes care of them, there is no other home for them except here, they preserve it, and what they consume from it is Just as much as they need to live. Watch their behavior, Robert, they act like natives, this is their home, and even if we corrupt it, they do not share in spoiling it with us, they know instinctively the greatest law of the universe, the law of reciprocity. The universe is built on reciprocity, its energy is the source of its life, transforming it from one form to another, pushing this here and that there, rearranging itself. It hates monopoly, refuses to hoard energy, and does not accept a fridge full of food and an empty one, it wants to distribute power equally everywhere. Entropy, Robert, chaos theory, randomness, if you pour hot water over cold, it will not separate into two halves, a heater and a splash, the entropy will distribute heat evenly among all the molecules, if you put a cup of tea on the table, it will not stay hot for long, it will lose its heat to its surroundings. This is the law of the universe, you know, reciprocity, entropy. They do not accumulate food, but rather eat what they need, and leave the rest of it for the benefit of other creatures. They have no problem with bacteria or parasites, and there is no problem for a lion with a hyena that comes to eat what is left of its prey, as long as it takes what it needs. They have no grudge or malice, they act as if they are very aware of the law of the greater universe, they respect it, they obey it, and they accept it. -Robert: Well, don’t you think the lion does not keep its leftovers because it does not have a refrigerator? -Christine: Why didn’t it invent it? Or steal and use someone’s refrigerator? Doesn’t it have enough intelligence? Well back to the starting point, so the evolutionary forces on this planet are unable to find intelligence in the first place, or may not want it. And whoever says the opposite of this, is arrogant, fluffy, and empty, he is like someone who denies the existence of extraterrestrial life, all this universe with all its stars and all its galaxies, and we are only lucky enough to live in it! And all this land with all its creatures and its environmental diversity, we are the only ones that the planet chose to be smart, and no one else has even the same intelligence that we had a hundred thousand years ago!! -Robert: Well, what are you referring to? -Christine: Intelligence is outside the system of evolution, it did not develop here, not from this earth, it came from somewhere else, we are the only ones who insist on breaking the laws of the entire universe, we monopolize, we kill for no reason, we act as if we are not going to die, we build towers, collect and hoard money, we wage wars, we kill and we destroy, we act as if we were immortal. She added: I can understand Hitler’s ambition, which made him launch World War II if he was immortal. Napoleon, and all the armies and leaders who exterminated millions of people, and even the businessmen who accumulate their billions, while there are those who starve, I can understand this if they were immortal and would not die. But where is the logic in that a person spends his entire short life harming others to achieve gains that he will not enjoy their results for long enough even if he succeeds? The reason is that we act on our nature, our reality, something inside us tells us we are immortal and will not die, and accordingly we do what we do, unlike all living beings, knowing that their life is short, and there is no other life for them, surrendered to the status quo, and accepted to live it in peace and enjoy it. -Robert: Peacefully, in the woods? -Christine: Yes, in peace. A predatory animal does not kill unless it is necessary for the continuation of life only. It kills for life to continue and be reborn, it does not kill to decorate the wall of its den with the head of a bull. Nonstop added: Theories of depopulation, killing for food, where did they come from? Who said that the Earth would not suffice for an additional 100 billion people? Most of it is uninhabited, we planted the desert, we built cities in the air and over water, we produced food artificially, we invented many solutions, and all this and the land has not stopped producing yet, why are we afraid? Life will always find its way, the earth will find a way to reform itself, and the universe will inevitably adjust the scales. The reason for these obsessions is that we know we are not from here, something inside us tells us we are not from here, Robert, just intruders, occupiers, rapists, that is why we are afraid. -Robert: Well but let’s go back to point zero, our bodies evolved here. We agreed on this, and the ladder of evolution attests to this. –Christine: Yes, our bodies, with all their organs, we got into these bodies, we use them, but they are not ours, we came from somewhere else. His eyes widened, what is going on around me! Now she started talking as if Mousa was sitting in front of me, or maybe she was Natasha! What is this madness?! What a week! He asks himself: Am I exposed to a conspiracy? Did Mousa target me in Israel? Christine was targeted through this site?! A logical premise, but how? How did he get it to her? Who is Natasha?! Why did she deliberately suggest words as if they are the words of Mousa! -He looked at her: Your words are very logical. How many members are there in the organization? -Twenty thousand, Robert -what? Twenty thousand? Are they fake? -No, they are all real, academics, students, businessmen, simple people, and from different countries. -This is a huge blow to the conspiracy theory! If their number were few, or fake, it would have been possible that Mousa was behind the matter?! But it is clear that it is a real organization, it exists, and it has its supporters, twenty thousand around the world. The man’s instinct arose inside him, “I would not leave her alone among them, if it was a plot, I would protect her, I would stay by her side”. -Robert: How do I fill out the affiliation application? -Her eyes danced with joy: Via their website you can submit it now. She added: Ah, right, I have a hundred dollars in balance with them, which we can use to pay the annual fees for your subscription. -what? fees? Do we pay them as well? -Yes, Robert. I told you that it is an organization. Fees must be paid to participate. This, in addition to the members’ donations, is their only source of income for research. – Search about what? -About our origins, people around us are fools, spending their money, time, and everything they have, on their wars, pleasures, and stupid things, only to die after a few years without knowing anything about what awaits them! Nobody is looking for our origins, where we came from, and where we are going! What if this world is a test station, we must do something in it before we die so that we can survive where we are going?! Isn’t this worth paying a hundred dollars for a chance to find out! -Robert: Of course, I am not against the money, the amount is not worth it, but it just surprised me. He grabbed his cell phone and went to their website He filled out the registration form and paid the fees. -Looked at her: I am done, I see a message saying your request will be reviewed within 24 hours. -She sighed, a look of admiration, and said to herself: This is my soul mate -She asked shyly: May I sit next to you? -What? Of course, he said without hesitation She moved out of her seat and pulled out another one and sat down next to it, turning her whole body towards him. -Do you like me, Robert? -His heart pounded, he sweated, and looked around at everyone, as if he was on a live program, everyone was watching them, anticipating the next kiss with more eagerness than him, to start applauding. -Of course, Kristen, I have always liked you. A moment of silence, hands in the air, and a hail of applause and cheers circulated throughout the café. Her lip is between his lips, and he savors it in no hurry, like a cranberry, or a piece of chocolate slowly melting in his mouth… -He said: This kiss was enough from the beginning to make me believe that we are from outside this planet. She pulled her lip out of his mouth, leaned back a little, and looked straight into his eyes -She said: Robert, we are not from here, it does not mean we are not from this planet, but we are not from this universe. From Zero Moment Novel – Click Here And Read Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print English Random Quotes
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