May 15, 2023July 23, 2023 The guiding cow As he observed it, he considered the guiding cow! It only acquired this position because it is privy to information that he is not. He wouldn’t have needed it if he knew where the boy was.Similar to cows, many leaders and stakeholders roam and play wherever they choose, leading nations and people wherever their irrational personal lusts and desires take them. Battles and human deaths have occurred throughout history for no other reason than that the leader was motivated by his desire for the booty or the love of the woman he desired. Today, in many Arab countries, the leader’s lust is clothed in the cloak of the homeland, so that all his desires and desires become a safety valve for the homeland and the citizen. In the face of internal and external conspiracies, those that ravage security and safety, and the future of the country and the subjects.Sometimes the leader has no secrets, but he persists in terrorizing the followers by making them believe there are things going on outside of themselves that they are unaware of and are powerless to stop, including external plots and fatal obstacles. Through his control of the currency, he is able to procure the troops’ loyalty and keep them happy, allowing him to continue using them as his tools to repress the vast majority of the populace.He also has many weapons for stability thanks to his control over institutions, wealth, and power, and he also has numerous instruments for the disorder, which he may use whenever he wants if he senses symptoms of discontent with the state the nation has reached. For instance, since he is the owner of the security apparatus, all it takes to bring about chaos is for him to order the arrest of criminals, murderers, thieves, fearmongers, and bandits. At that point, everyone will be groveling at his feet pleading with him to take action in the face of the chaos they have caused as a result of their lack of understanding of the perils and difficulties involved in managing states.The ancients called it fraud and deception because it involves making a personal interest the focus of a whole society and then intimidating everyone by implying that if this interest vanishes or is not satisfied, they would all perish. The way the tamarind vendor interacted with his customers was how he spent his time thinking about his strategy. He would give Walid the option of returning or not, earn his trust as a hunter who happened to come across him in the wilderness, and then somehow persuade him to be encouraged to return to his home. He would come up with an idea at the time, but since this cow has plenty of time, it seems like he has a lot of ideas and is not in a rush. From The Sect Novel – Click Here And Read Share this… Copy Facebook Messenger Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp Telegram 1Artboard 1 copy 2 Snapchat Skype Print English Random Quotes
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